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Who We Are

Perimeter Village is a ministry working to serve local at risk kids and their families

Our mission is to advocate for vulnerable children by providing unparalleled support for local adoptive and foster families.

It takes an incredible amount of time, money, and emotion to care for vulnerable children. Traditionally, over 50 percent of foster parents drop out of the system within their first year of fostering. When foster parents are surrounded by one of Promise686’s care communities, however, they are 95 percent more likely to continue fostering after the first year. Perimeter Promise, a ministry through Perimeter Church, provides this support system for families in our area, and ultimately, helps raise at risk kids in safe, loving homes.

We aren’t all called to become a foster or adoptive family, but we are all called to care for orphans James 1:27. When you become a volunteer through Perimeter Promise, you have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving families of vulnerable children through meals, babysitting, community and much more. Our ministry also desires to serve adoptive and foster families by recruiting them, educating them, equipping them and helping sustain them throughout their journey.

Our ministry started from Promise686, a nonprofit mobilizing church communities to care for vulnerable children. Promise686 empowers churches working toward one common goal: to care for vulnerable children. Their hope is to see every child in a safe and loving family, forever, and they carry out this mission by equipping churches to support local foster and adoptive families, and biological families in crisis.

Perimeter Village is the first and longest standing partner of Promise686. While Promise686’s mission is to mobilize church communities to care for vulnerable children, our goal is to be the hands and feet, meeting the physical, financial, and spiritual needs of local families and children in crisis.

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